Udon Target Range
Are you a rootin, tootin, shootin, gun slingin cowboy? Ever wanna play dressup and pretend to be one on the internets? Maybe you just want to go bang bang a bunch and feel better about yourself through a powerful show of force while your friends sit in the corner looking at a mirror? Either way, this pack is for you and all your various face holes. Grab a gun, point it at a target, and prepare to feel the power coursing through your veins!!
All contents in this pack were holistically farmed from organic, free range, hormone-free UdonSharp code and ethically traded vertices from diverse coop farms in lower southern Canuckland. Every single part, piece, script, and model for this entire pack was made from the ground up for the explicit purpose of being in this pack. We are not in the business of reusing others work, we make our own to ensure a cohesive, comprehensive whole. Except for the audio - that is licensed as neither of us knows the first thing about how to make noise.
A wonderful, whole meal deal of an Udon package awaits you herein. Have a smell of some of these amazing, unique features!
- Two unique weapon models with full animations, iron sights, reflex sights, laser sights.
- A standard pistol with flash suppressor
- An old school six shooter
- Two unique target shapes
- Traditional Round (multiple colours)
- Glass bottle
- Multiple target flavours
- Static
- Constant movement synced
- Constant movement unsynced
- Teleporting synced (within a cube or on a navmesh)
- Teleporting unsynced (within a cube or on a navmesh)
- Sequential waypoints
- Always face the player mode (this is a toggle option on all target types)
- Simple drag and drop into your scene operation
- Combine any number of the above things into your scene, and they just work together!
- Full scoreboard included
- Floating, animated target point counter/hit confirmation
- Full customization for every aspect of this pack via included custom inspector on each prefab
- All code is well documented and easy to edit for custom use
- Bullet hole sprites
- Ammo counter option with reload
- Prefabs for each target type
- Fully Quest compatible (including shaders)
- Demo scene and fully loaded readme included
Want to try before you buy? Come on over and check out our demo world on VRC today!
What you will need:
- Unity 2019.4.31f1 or higher
- VRChat Creator Companion with the latest update installed
- Scripting used in this package utilizes Udon#
Who we are:
We are two 3D content producers specializing in unique models, avatar accessories, VR worlds and experiences, and beautifully done, well written and documented code. Ms Malvolio does the 3D modeling work and texturing. Corina does the programming. We have released VR Chat game worlds, avatar prefabs, furniture packs, small models, and some small artwork. Our goal is to make others enjoy working in Unity as much as we do, and have something cool to show for it!
Join us on Discord!