OwOSHA Clipboard
Do you have a world in VRC that might have some suspicious activity in it? Do you expect inspectors to come by at any point and start looking around? Do you just need a simple, performant clipboard model that is easy to retexture? Then this might be for you! Maybe!
This was made by myself about six months ago in response to a silly meme a friend forwarded to me, and it's been up on my Sketchfab page for a while, and it has generated enough interest for me to make a version here for y'all. It's been an inside joke with the worlds my sis and I do to have this in during development, but take it out before it goes live. Well now you can grab it and do as you want with it!
Want to throw it on an avatar? Go ham, chief! Put it in your amazing world? Light it up! Just have fun with the silly meme clipboard.
You'll find a few different files attached depending on your needs. I have the base texture, metallic map, the FBX, a Unity package for both avatar or world usage (two separate files), the original Blender file, and a SubstancePainter file. Grab what ya want, go have fun with it, and if you do something creative or interesting with it, please ping me on Twitter! I'd love to see what fun antics this clipboard gets up to!