Chaos Chess Udon
Are you in the market for a unique and special chess set for your unique and special world? Wanting to spice up this classic six hundred year old game of kings? This might just be for you! Crafted from the ground up by hand in only the most humane of bedroom offices, this entire package was designed for aesthetics and performance, both during install and after upload.
This fresh take on a classic was inspired by a friend of ours, one wonderful bean named Fooma. His idea was to have a chess board where all the pieces were randomized - what once was a pawn might now be a rook. A knight might now be a bishop. Part of the chaos might even be that there are more specialty pieces than before, and that their starting locations are all over the place. Maybe the two colours don't even have the same pieces at all! This throws traditional strategy out the window and opens the gates to all kinds of crazy, and all kinds of fun for everyone. We went through painstaking lengths to make this happen, going so far as to remodel an entire chess set to make his dream work the way he saw it in his head.
The result was exactly as expected, and then some: pure chaos. Every single game is unique, every single game is hilarious, and without fail it will make you sit back and ask you to question if you even know how to play this game.
Let's go over some of the unique features on offer:
- Set all pieces to be the same type (except for king and queen - these stay the same no matter the mode)
- Set all pieces to be random, either symmetrically (both sides have the same pieces), or asymmetrically (each side is unique)
- Random on drop - whenever a piece is let go, it will randomly change it's type!
- Respawn pieces back to their original location.
- Bespoke modelled and textured chess set with outline and toon shaded look using entirely standard Unity shaders - this will look identical on both PC and Quest!
- Painstakingly written out and mapped Udon code to drive the back end game logic.
- Matching settings book with full UI control and instructions.
- Quick and easy installation - open Unity, install VRC SDK, open the ChaosChess.UnityProject file, then drag and drop the prefab into your scene (located at: Assets\ChaosChess\ChaosChess.prefab), and upload!
Wanting to try before you buy? This prefab is on show in my Tree in a snow globe world. Note that the world settings book doubles as the chess settings book in this world.