
Bingo Game

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Bingo Game



Welcome to the Sisters In Gaming stand alone Bingo game package. This asset can be added to your VRChat world to allow your players to engage in a rousing game of classic Bingo. Select the style of game to play from the settings panel (either random physical or cash prizes, cash prizes only, speed mode or hard mode), click the start game button and use your dabber on the card to dab the numbers as they're called. Get a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of 5 numbers on a card, click the "Call Out Bingo" button and win! Very fun game for all ages!

The game comes completely pre-configured, for ease of use. Simply move the "Sisters In Gaming - Bingo Game Asset Pack" prefab from the Assets into your scene and place it to where you want them placed in your world. That's it.

Under the "Sisters In Gaming - User Interface Objects" in the prefab in your scene, you can move each of the four components to where you want them in your world. You can even add your own prizes to the Prize List. Simply add your prizes under the "Sisters In Gaming - Game Master Script" -> "Game Prizes" object and configure them similarly to the sample "Cube Prize". Just be sure to set the new prizes up as our sample prize, and use a unique ID number for it.

The scripts used in this package (C#/UdonSharp) are well organized and well documented. Feel free to make modifications if you desire. The UI is highly modifiable, so that you can change it to fit your world.


  • Packaged in Unity 2019.4.31f1 and forward compatible.
  • A general working knowledge of Unity is recommended.
  • Does not come with 3D Bingo Hall game world models.
  • You should be using the VRChat Creator Companion tool, as it provides the latest version of UDON and UDONsharp, which are necessary for these scripts to run.
  • You will automatically be asked to install the Unity-provided TextMeshPro component. Please do this, as all the UI elements use TextMeshPro elements for all displayed text.
  • The prefab is all pre-configured and should work simply by dragging and dropping it into your world scene. Move the UI elements to where you want them in your world.
  • A brief note on networking, network lag and network desync. At times, beyond our control, network lag can cause different "realities" between players in a game world.


We are two 3D content producers specializing in unique models, avatar accessories, VR worlds and experiences, and beautifully done, well written and documented code. Ms Malvolio does the 3D modeling work and texturing. Corina does the programming. We have released VRChat game worlds, avatar prefabs, furniture packs, small models, and some small artwork. Our goal is to make others enjoy working in Unity as much as we do, and have something cool to show for it!

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Bingo Game Asset Pack to add to your VRChat World.

9.83 MB
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